The original Gurkha Grand Age cigar was a fan-favorite smoke that helped to solidify Gurkha's dominance in the realm of premium cigars. Grand Age was known for its dependability as well as an opulent presentation, with boxes that were made to resemble worn treasure chests.
Reimagined for the modern era, Gurkha brings back the Grand Age with the cigar's sequel: Gurkha Grand Age II. With the update, the cigars are now offered in a selection of three new blends: Connecticut, Habano, and Maduro. However, while there's plenty of new with the Gurkha Grand Age II cigar, the beloved treasure chest remains! This rustic presentation opens to reveal each of the three blends, which are neatly separated for an easy selection process.
What do the Gurkha Grand Age II cigars taste like?
Each of the three Gurkha Grand Age II cigar versions are built upon a similar core recipe, being hand-rolled out of the Las Villas Cigars factory in Nicaragua. Not only this, but all three wrappers were grown in Nicaragua, including the Habano, Connecticut (there's something unique), and Maduro. This makes for a medium-plus experience in the Habano and Maduro, while the Connecticut is a half-step under medium. Each of the Gurkha Grand Age II cigars are balanced, offering zesty Nicaraguan characteristics for the modern cigar enthusiast.