The Gurkha Ghost Connecticut cigar is a member of the popular Gurkha Ghost line of cigars that has become a top-selling brand for the company since its debut in 2012. This cigar features a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and American tobaccos that are carefully chosen for their balance and flavor; these leaves are then bound in a Mexican leaf and finished with the cigar's signature ingredient: an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This combination results in a mild to medium smoking experience that is smooth and flavorful.
What does the Gurkha Ghost Connecticut cigar taste like?
With bright and smooth flavors of cedar, buttered crackers, and toffee sweetness through the finish, the Gurkha Ghost Connecticut cigar is the mildest smoking experience in the Ghost line to date. This makes it an ideal choice for smokers who prefer a creamier smoking experience, being perfect for morning to midday smoking sessions. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or new to the hobby, the Gurkha Ghost Connecticut cigar is sure to be a delightful choice that you will want to savor time and time again.