Well-aged tobacco is a key component when rolling a super-premium cigar, and a perfect example of this is the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year cigar.
The fifth installment of Gurkha's famed Cellar Reserve series, the 21 Year features... you guessed it, 21 years of expert tobacco aging, creating a smoking experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. The Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year cigar is part of the Cellar Reserve collection of cigars, each featuring tobacco with extended aging that varies from the 12 years in the Gurkha Cellar Reserve Platinum Edition, 15 years on the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 15 Year, 18 years on the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 18 Year, and now 21 years taking the lead.
These cigars are truly a testament of tobacco curation and are going to go quickly, so don’t miss out on the decadence that is the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year cigar.
What does the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year cigar taste like?
Rich and complex throughout. You will delight in flavors of milk chocolate and cedar, later transitioning into salty, meaty flavors as you smoke.