In terms of premium cigars, there are many techniques that are incorporated throughout the various stages of production in order to separate the "men from the boys." This could be anything from the seed varietal used, to growing techniques, leaf selection, fermentation, blending, and many more. This brings us to the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 18 Year (aka Edicion Especial), a rare cigar that ups the ante, making use of ultra-refined 18-year-aged tobacco in the cigar's filler!
As with other Gurkha Cellar Reserve cigars, Edicion Especial is designed to resemble wine culture, showcasing a thick band (that includes a host of the cigar's stats on the label) and a mahogany crate-style box. In addition, the majority of sizes in the lineup feature elaborate figurado shapes (complete with pigtail caps) that are handled by only the best rolling pairs.
The complete blend features a Corojo wrapper, a Dominican binder, and Dominican fillers (including the rare, 18-year-aged component). This combination produces a medium body and full flavors of toasted caramel, rich wood, maple syrup, milk chocolate, and a delicate mingling of cabinet spices—a regal experience for life's most deserving celebratory occasions.