It's no secret that whiskey and cigars are one of the best pairings the world has ever known. So when Gurkha Cigars struck a partnership with the Kentucky-based Hartfield & Co. distillery, a collective gasp could be heard in unison nationwide.
The project begins with hand-selected tobaccos by Gurkha's master blenders. This includes all-Dominican leaves throughout the binder and filler, being finished with either a Connecticut Shade (Natural) or Connecticut Broadleaf (Maduro) wrapper ingredient. The cigars are then gently infused with the sweet, oaked complexities of Kentucky straight bourbon. This unique step is not overpowering, simply complimenting the cigar's earthy character with touches of caramel, oak, vanilla, and malt.
Cigars and bourbon have long flirted their burning attraction, but as the two unite like never before, our only worry is that we'll demand every cigar be bourbon-fused from this point forward!