In 2016, Aganorsa Leaf introduced the critically acclaimed Guardian of the Farm cigar, a contemporary collaboration with boutique-favorite Warped Cigars. The name was a reference to the American Bulldogs used by the Fernández family to patrol their various tobacco farms throughout Nicaragua, with each cigar size being named after the dogs (Apollo, JJ, Campeon, and Rambo).
Three years later, this breakout smoke was followed by a proper maduro variation: Guardian of the Farm Nightwatch. The Nightwatch cigar showcases a new tobacco ingredient for Aganorsa Leaf—a proprietary shade-grown Corojo '99 maduro wrapper from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua. This leaf allows Aganorsa to offer the Nicaraguan puro recipe they're known for, now with darker, more rich flavor characteristics. This leaf surrounds a Nicaraguan Corojo binder and fillers of Nicaraguan Corojo and Criollo leaves.
What does the Aganorsa Leaf Guardian of the Farm Nightwatch cigar taste like?
The Guardian of the Farm Nightwatch cigar is Nicaraguan to the core, showcasing a medium body and dark flavors of baker's cocoa, black and red pepper, cinnamon-doused pastry, and cream through the finish.