Made at the very same Tabacalera Oliva factory in Nicaragua that consistently churns out many of the world's most highly ranked cigars comes the Flor de Oliva Original cigar, designed to meet the demanding standards of cigar enthusiasts but priced for the daily smoker.
To accomplish this task, the talented Oliva family takes advantage of vertical integration, using Nicaraguan tobaccos from their own fields of Nicaragua throughout the binder and filler. This hearty core is then finished with a Sumatran wrapper, combining classic flavor with quality craftsmanship and affordability like few others can. Using simplistic bands and packaged in bundles rather than boxes, Oliva focuses on quality and flavor in place of the fancy packaging that often brings unnecessary cost to premium cigars.
Q: What does the Flor de Oliva Original cigar taste like?
A: Flor de Oliva Original is medium in body and classic in flavor, offering zesty components of red pepper, aromatic cabinet spices, earth, and creamed coffee.