Flor de Oliva comes by way of Oliva Cigars, one of the leading manufacturers of Nicaraguan premium cigars in the world, including highly-rated and award-winning brands such as Oliva Serie V and Oliva Serie V Melanio.
But with ultra-premium cigars such as these, an equally associated high price comes along for the ride. This led to the creation of Flor de Oliva cigars, allowing the Oliva family to showcase their prized Nicaraguan tobacco at an affordable price for the Joe 6-pack cigar enthusiast. With Flor de Oliva, the Olivas utilize similar Nicaraguan selections seen on their more premium brands, using the leaves that are leftover from the sorting process of the likes of Oliva Serie O, Serie G, and Serie V. With Nicaraguan tobacco making up the binder and filler, each Flor de Oliva cigar then differentiates itself through unique wrapper styles (Corojo, Connecticut, Indonesia, etc.).
Flor de Oliva cigars are then packaged in simplistic bands and bundles (as opposed to the higher cost of box packaging), allowing for a premium smoking experience that directs all costs to the tobacco itself. Experience Flor de Oliva cigars and you may just find your new go-to daily cigar.