Once a staple of the iconic Nat Sherman brand, the Metropolitan Selection now falls under the Ferio Tego banner. This is a unique assortment of premium cigar offerings, including five blends that originate from three factories throughout Nicaragua, Honduras, and the DR.
With the Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut, the cigars are rolled by the famed Quesada family at their factory in the Dominican Republic. This is one of the more mild-bodied experiences in the Metropolitan series, making use of a silky Connecticut wrapper and all-Dominican binder/filler.
What does the Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut University cigar taste like?
The Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut University is sized at a classic 6" x 50 toro, making for long smoking sessions of an hour and a half. This size has a nice draw resistance and good balance from start to finish, hitting clean complexities of cedar, barnyard hay, white tea, and cream through the finish.