Whether you're a newcomer to the scene or a battle-tested veteran, you're most likely familiar with the Metropolitan cigar line. Being described as "a snapshot of the cigar boom," Metropolitan debuted under the now-defunct Nat Sherman brand during the great cigar boom of the 1990s. As such, the original cigars in the line occupy the range of mild to medium in intensity, with smooth profiles and a classic overall feel.
Around 2010, Michael Herklots took over brand development for Nat Sherman, expanding the Metropolitan Selection to include five blends: Connecticut, Maduro, Habano, Host, and Host Maduro. The Metropolitan Connecticut and Metropolitan Maduro cigars are the original 90s-era blends; the Metropolitan Habano cigar arrived in 2016; and the Metropolitan Host and Metropolitan Host Maduro cigars were formerly their own "Host" brand, now consolidated into the Metropolitan line. Finally, after the unfortunate closure of Nat Sherman in 2020, Herklots has taken over the brand in its original form, now offered under his burgeoning Ferio Tego brand for the modern cigar enthusiast.
What do the Metropolitan Selection cigars taste like?
Metropolitan Connecticut: mild in body and old school in flavor, this cigar shows off Dominican character with soft flavors of hay, clean cedar, and slightly sweet cream.
Metropolitan Maduro: this dark smoke comes from a time when maduros were not necessarily ultra full in body. Wrapped in Broadleaf, the cigar is close to medium in intensity, with approachable flavors of earth, baker's cocoa, and leather.
Metropolitan Habano: the Metropolitan Habano cigar heads to Nicaragua, showcasing a classic Cuban-seed wrapper, a medium body, and zesty flavors of cabinet spices, toasted bread, and touches of cinnamon.
Metropolitan Host: smooth, mellow, and sweet, the Metropolitan Host cigar hails from Honduras and boasts a creamy Connecticut wrapper. This makes for a delicate body and refined flavors of cedar, cream, and touches of raw sugar sweetness.
Metropolitan Host Maduro: this maduro is as smooth as maduros come, highlighting Honduran tobaccos with a dark Broadleaf cover. At a tick above mild in body, expect easy-going flavors of oak, earth, and sweet molasses.