Estelí, Nicaragua is the heart of today's cigar industry; where many of the top boutique cigar craftsmen showcase top-quality, distinctly Nicaraguan cigars. Esteban Carreras is one such company. Making their cigars at Tabacaleras Carreras, Esteban Carreras mostly creates Nicaraguan puros using 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos. This gives their brands a complex, bold flavor that keeps aficionados coming back for more.
A Chupacabra is a legendary/mythical beast from Central American folklore, said to attack livestock and drink their blood. Chupacabra Hellcat, meanwhile, is a cigar from Esteban Carreras—a tweaked version of Carreras' original Chupacabra cigar. Hellcat is a Nicaraguan puro wrapped in a Nicaraguan Oscuro leaf, joined with binder and filler tobaccos also from Nicaragua. This dark, oily beast of a cigar has notes of espresso, creamy leather, earth, and roasted nuts. Chupcacabra Hellcat has a pigtail cap and a shaggy foot—it's truly a "monster" of a cigar!