A favorite in the realm of craft and boutique-style cigars, Esteban Carreras Cigar Co. has become known for pushing the boundaries in terms of craftsmanship and experimentation. This innovative spirit is on full display with Esteban Carreras Unforsaken, which have been extensively aged alongside 18-year-old rum barrels.
Indeed, Unforgiven cigars are crafted in Nicaragua and joined by the country's most popular spirit: Flor de Caña rum. After acquiring an especially seasoned barrel from Flor de Caña's 18-Year rum, Esteban Carreras owner, Craig Cunningham, used the barrels to age both the raw tobaccos and finished cigars.
Esteban Carreras Unforsaken boasts an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper over a binder/filler recipe of Nicaraguan origin. Finished in wood foot sleeves, the cigars have been imbibed with tremendous levels of complexity. Despite the rum-barrel influence, Unforgiven does not feel unnatural or infused, only showing subtle rum/oak influences that help to enhance an otherwise traditional experience. The blend is said to be among the most robust, full-flavored offerings from Esteban Carreras to date, exploding onto the palate with nuances of oak, cocoa, vanilla, caramel, raisins, and a rum-like zing through the nostrils.