What better way to be introduced to Espinosa Premium Cigars than with a conveniently humidified/sealed sampling of five different Espinosa cigars in one pack!
Introducing The Pack by Espinosa, a five-cigar sampler that eases the aspiring cigar hobbyist into the flavor-forward goodness that is Espinosa Premium Cigars. Known for their love of Nicaraguan tobacco, Espinosa is never shy on flavor, bringing out the zesty qualities of Nicaraguan leaf without entering harsh or overbearing territory. While Espinosa cigars often showcase bold smoking profiles, The Pack by Espinosa operates in the medium-light to medium-plus profile range, with all five cigars being sized at an approachable 6" x 52 toro format.
What's included in The Pack by Espinosa Humipack?
E by Espinosa Connecticut
The E by Espinosa Connecticut cigar is among the more affordable offerings from Espinosa, showing off the company's craftsmanship of their Nicaraguan-based La Zona factory. The cigar uses all-Nicaraguan tobaccos and a creamy Connecticut wrapper, amounting to a mild-medium intensity and approachable flavors of cedar, buttered nuts, and cream through the finish.
Espinosa Habano
The Espinosa Habano cigar is the one that started it all for Espinosa, being a former Cigar of the Year winner from Cigar Dojo. This is a classic Habano that offers a near-perfect balance of zesty spice and Nicaraguan body. The cigar is medium-plus to medium-full in body, offering flavors of cabinet spice, medium-roast coffee, nutmeg, and peppered toast.
E by Espinosa Maduro
The E by Espinosa Maduro cigar is among the more affordable offerings from Espinosa, showing off the company's craftsmanship of their Nicaraguan-based La Zona factory. The cigar uses all-Nicaraguan tobaccos and a gritty maduro wrapper, amounting to a medium intensity and dark flavors of earth, French-press coffee, and cocoa.
Espinosa Crema
This cigar was made as a followup to the company's beloved Espinosa Habano cigar, dialing down the intensity and wrapping the blend in a stunning Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This is about as flavorful as Connecticut cigars get, offering a medium-light body and captivating flavors that will keep you coming back! Expect ultra creamy notes of cedar, citrus, buttered toast, white pepper, and barnyard hay.
E by Espinosa Habano
The E by Espinosa Habano cigar is among the more affordable offerings from Espinosa, showing off the company's craftsmanship of their Nicaraguan-based La Zona factory. The cigar uses all-Nicaraguan tobaccos and a classic Habano wrapper, amounting to a medium intensity and Cubanesque flavors of cabinet spices, black pepper, roasted nuts, and a touch of natural sweetness through the finish.