In 2014, Espinosa Cigars released the Espinosa Laranja Reserva. Laranja means "orange" in Portuguese, a reference to the unique hue of the Brazilian wrapper used in making these show-stopping cigars. As the wrapper is hand-picked for its orange hue, each cigar is specifically crafted to pop with the Laranja's orange/gold band, making for a stunning impression before the cigar is even lit!
The Laranja's special wrapper—dubbed "Brazilian Laranja" by Espinosa—is not only designed for its coloring, it has a complex and delicious flavor profile to boot. The binder and fillers are both from Nicaragua, making for an overall profile that is medium-bodied and full-flavored. Laranja Reserva produces a sweet and citrusy character, with notes of white pepper, cream, leather, and light roast coffee.
Laranja was a cigar that helped cement Espinosa as a leader in the craft cigar scene, receiving multiple awards on year-end lists following its debut.