The Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut cigar is the latest addition to the successful collaboration between Espinosa Premium Cigars and Guy Fieri. It features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper for the first time in the fan-favorite series, which has been carefully selected for its delicate and smooth qualities. This wrapper is joined by a premium blend of all-Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos, creating a clean and complex smoking experience.
Rolled by master artisan AJ Fernández out of his San Lotano factory in Nicaragua, the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut cigar is a testament to the expertise and skill of the master blender. Whether you're a fan of the Knuckle Sandwich brand or a lover of Connecticut-wrapped cigars, the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut is a must-try. Its impeccable construction, beautiful appearance, and smooth flavor profile make it a standout addition to any humidor.
What does the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut cigar taste like?
Upon lighting, the cigar greets the palate with creamy and mellow notes, perfectly balanced by a hint of spice. As the smoke progresses, the flavors deepen, with hints of cedar and nuts making an appearance. The Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut finishes with a clean and satisfying aftertaste, leaving a smooth impression on the palate.