The twenty-tens were some of the best years ever in the world of premium cigars, with the rise of craft/boutique cigar brands making for something of a "mini cigar boom" that catered to quality over quantity. This included the launch of Espinosa Premium Cigars in 2012, allowing Erik Espinosa—a fan favorite in the craft scene—the chance to showcase his own expertise, quickly rising to become a top player in the craft cigar arena.
It has now been a full decade since the debut of Espinosa Cigars, and the company has blended a special smoking experience to mark the milestone: the Espinosa 10 Years Anniversary cigar. Limited to only 1,500 boxes of 20 cigars, the Espinosa 10 Years Anniversary cigar has been rolled in a singular 6" x 52 toro format out of A.J. Fernández's San Lotano factory. The blend includes a special Ecuadorian Habano hybrid wrapper atop all-Nicaraguan binder and filler.
What does the Espinosa 10 Years Anniversary cigar taste like?
The Espinosa 10 Years Anniversary cigar is rich and zesty to its core, offering cigar fanatics a long and rewarding smoking experience of roughly an hour and 45 minutes. The cigar is medium-full in body, unloading with Nicaraguan spice from the get-go. Expect notes of black pepper, hearty earth, toasted oak, classic leather, and candied nuts through the finish.