After EPC Cigar Co. launched the critically acclaimed Perez-Carrillo Pledge cigar in 2020 (winning both Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Dojo's No. 1 Cigar of the Year spots), the brand expanded on the Pledge with a new gordo format in 2021. This size is dubbed Apogee, being rolled in the longest and fattest format of the bunch: 6¼" x 58. Like its siblings, the Perez-Carrillo Pledge Apogee cigar makes use of hearty tobaccos throughout, including an all-Nicaraguan filler, an Ecuadorian binder, and an especially oily Connecticut Habano wrapper from the United States' famed Connecticut River Valley.
E.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee carried off with the No.11 rating from Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2022.
What does the Perez-Carrillo Pledge Apogee cigar taste like?
In this format, the Nicaraguan interior receives added emphasis, opening up with a booming smoke output and rich flavors of toasted oak, baker's cocoa, bittersweet espresso, and stone fruit through the finish.