In 2014, EPC Cigar's La Historia was named the No. 2 Cigar of the Year. In 2018, the company's Encore cigar took home the highly coveted Cigar of the Year. And in 2020, they did it yet again, with the EPC Pledge being awarded the No. 1 Cigar of the Year. What do each of these cigars have in common? They're all part of E.P. Carrillo's premier collection, dubbed the Perez-Carrillo Series.
While each of these cigars are impressive in their own right, it is perhaps the EPC Pledge cigar that has experienced the most fanfare. The cigar was made in commemoration of Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo's milestone 50th year in the cigar industry; additionally, the Pledge name shows the company's gratitude toward their followers and their commitment to the craft.
In setting out to follow the highly praised La Historia and Encore cigars, Ernesto Carrillo chose a special wrapper that he'd become fond of during the '80s: USA Connecticut Habano. This dark leaf surrounds and Ecuadorian binder and all-Nicaraguan fillers, offering supreme depth and balance of flavor and body.
E.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee carried off with the No.11 rating from Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2022.
What does the E.P. Carrillo Pledge cigar taste like?
Medium-full in body and FULL in flavor, the E.P. Carrillo Pledge cigar boasts punchy flavors that sink deep into the palate. This includes standout complexities of rain-soaked hardwoods, chocolate, medium-roast coffee beans, and dark stone fruit through the finish.