Six years after winning Cigar Aficionado's coveted Cigar of the Year award with the E.P. Carrillo Encore line, the company now shows off the darker-wrapped sister blend with the Encore Black cigar.
While the original Encore was medium-bodied and Nicaraguan through and through, the Encore Black cigar takes a different approach. This begins with the cigar's signature ingredient: a dark Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, being secured over a Mexican San Andrés binder and Nicaraguan fillers grown in the Condega, Estelí, and Jalapa regions of the country.
What does the E.P. Carrillo Encore Black cigar taste like?
As the name may suggest, the Encore Black cigar is fuller in body than its predecessor. The cigars are rolled in a box-pressed format, offering a cool smoking temperature that allows its dark complexities to shine. With a medium-full intensity, expect to find notes of earth, toasted oak, black pepper, leather, and stewed fruit through the finish