Ernesto Perez-Carrilo, better known as E.P. Carrillo, is a passionate cigarmaker with decades of expertise in blending and creating cigars. What a lot of people may not know is that long before he gained fame in the cigar industry, he tried his hand as a musician in New York City. The E.P. Carrillo Encore is a nod in that way, not only to his musical roots, but because the cigar is a followup to the acclaimed E.P. Carrillo La Historia that earned much critical praise.
The Encore was a huge success, being named Cigar Aficionado's Cigar of the Year for 2018! Encore is the first Nicaraguan puro Ernesto has ever released under the EPC brand. The cigar was originally to debut in 2016, but Ernesto, being the perfectionist, decided to wait two full years until the cigars were perfect. Encore is a floral cigar that is medium-bodied and full-flavored. Notes of gin botanicals, white pepper, and brown sugar play together to create an atypical, delicate and refined smoking experience.