The El Trovador line debuted from PDR Cigars in 2016, showcasing two variants: El Trovador Rosado and El Trovador Maduro. The cigar was inspired by PDR owner, Abe Flores, after a trip to Cuba, where he stumbled across the Trovador name. The name translates to The Troubadour, which is a French medieval lyric poet.
In recent years, the cigars have received blend and appearance makeovers, now better tying into the unique name. Originally using all-Nicaraguan filler, the contemporary PDR El Trovador Rosado cigar now boasts a 50/50 proportion of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, being secured in a double Nicaraguan binder and wrapped in an Ecuadorian rosado leaf.
What does the PDR El Trovador Rosado cigar taste like?
Classic, balanced, and floral, the PDR El Trovador Rosado cigar is flavorful yet not in your face. The cigar is medium in body, offering flavors of hickory, sweet florals, and raisin through the finish.