The Wise Man Maduro is the followup to Foundation Cigar Company's first release: El Güegüense. Being the yin to El Güegüense's yang, the cigar follows in the brand's concept of Nicaraguan heritage, drawing heavily from imagery of the country's signature folkloric masterpiece (translating to mean "The Wise Man").
As could be expected, both cigars focus on Nicaraguan-grown tobaccos. But where the original El Güegüense offered a traditional Nicaraguan puro experience, the updated Wise Man Maduro tweaks the blend for a darker maduro character. This is achieved through the use of a Nicaraguan filler recipe (sourced from the country's three major growing regions), Nicaraguan Corojo '99 binder, and a beautiful Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper. The end result is a sophisticated profile, not unlike the blend's predecessor; but The Wise Man Maduro is able to stand on its own, offering a medium-plus body and complexities of French-pressed coffee, baker's cocoa, heavy cream, dried fruits, and a touch of chili powder.
One would be supremely wise to add this stunning maduro to their smoking rotation.