Eiroa Cigars is the most premium brand under the burgeoning C.L.E. Cigar Company, owned and operated by industry veteran Christian Eiroa. One year after introducing his eponymous CLE Cigars, Christian set out to showcase the rich heritage of the Eiroa family, offering a blend from the most prized tobaccos in the Eiroa’s inventory.
In the years following, the line would continue to expand, showcasing a maduro variant known as CBT Maduro, a special collaboration with Christian’s father Julio (Eiroa The First 20 Years), and a Colorado-wrapped followup known as Eiroa The First 20 Years Colorado. Not only do Eiroa cigars showcase some of the highest grade Honduran tobaccos (hailing from the country’s famed Jamastran region), but each leaf in the collection has been aged a minimum of four years prior to rolling.
Cigars in the Eiroa Collection showcase refined profiles and classically-geared bodies, falling within the medium range. Profiles are flavor-forward, offering a high complexity for the moderate to advanced cigar enthusiast.