One year after Christian Luis Eiroa established his eponymous C.L.E. Cigar Company in 2012, he introduced the company's most premium brand with Eiroa Cigars. As with many other blends in the company's portfolio, Eiroa Cigars highlights the usage of Honduran tobaccos from the Eiroa family's legendary farm in the Jamastrán Valley of Honduras.
In 2014 Eiroa debuted the anticipated followup to the original Eiroa cigar, this time featuring a unique "maduro puro" blend. The cigars are dubbed Eiroa CBT Maduro, with CBT representing "Capa, Banda, Tripa" (a.k.a. wrapper, binder, filler). In other words, the Eiroa CBT Maduro features dark, maduro tobaccos throughout every portion of the cigar's blend recipe.
This translates to a rich, sweet, and decadent smoking experience. Eiroa CBT Maduro is medium/full in body, displaying flavors of black pepper, wet earth, mocha, black licorice, and charred oak.