One year after Christian Luis Eiroa established his eponymous C.L.E. Cigar Company in 2012, he introduced the company's most premium brand with Eiroa Cigars. As with many other blends in the company's portfolio, Eiroa Cigars highlights the usage of Honduran tobaccos from the Eiroa family's legendary farm in the Jamastrán Valley of Honduras.
The first blend within the Eiroa Cigars collection is predictably titled simply "Eiroa." This is a special Honduran puro blend that was crafted to pay tribute to the history of tobacco growers in the Eiroa family, dating back over 100 years with Generoso Eiroa.
To honor the family legacy, Christian crafted a refined blend featuring some of the finest tobaccos at his disposal. Using strictly Honduran tobaccos from the Jamastrán Valley, Christian then ensures each leaf is aged a minimum of four years before being rolled into cigars. The resulting blend is rich, flavorful, medium-plus in intensity, and highly complex. Fans of Eiroa often praise the cigars for being quite similar to old school Cuban cigar profiles, showcasing notes of graham cracker crust, cinnamon, light-roast coffee, sourdough bread, and a lovely nutmeg zest.