If you're the type of cigar enthusiast that appreciates quality craftsmanship and bold flavor, yet want a smoking experience that you can turn to on a daily basis without breaking the bank, look no further than E by Espinosa cigars.
Espinosa Premium Cigars was launched by Erik Espinosa in 2012, quickly rising in the ranks of craft circles and gaining one of the most loyal followings in the world of premium cigars. But Espinosa didn't just launch a cigar company—no—he opened up his own boutique-style factory in Nicaragua as well, dubbed La Zona. It is here that nearly every Espinosa cigar has been rolled to this day. This includes the value-priced E by Espinosa, offering the familiar full-flavored experience that Espinosa brings to the table, all at a price that cigar enthusiasts can feel comfortable stocking up on!
Q: What does the E by Espinosa cigar taste like?
A: E by Espinosa comes in two varieties: E by Espinosa Connecticut and E by Espinosa Habano. Both cigars use all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers. The E by Espinosa Connecticut is finished with a Connecticut Shade wrapper, while the E by Espinosa Habano cigar boasts a classic Habano wrapper leaf. Smokers can expect a mild-medium intensity with the Connecticut, showing flavors of white pepper, cedar, barnyard hay, and cream. E by Espinosa Habano offers a medium body and loads of classic flavor, including cabinet spices, roasted nuts, earth, and caramel.