Dutch Delites are small, machine-made cigars that originate from Europe. In fact, these little cigarillos are the hottest-selling mini cigars in the European market.
Using dry-cured tobacco, Dutch Delites have the benefit of not needing special equipment, such as a humidor. This allows you to stock up on these little smokes and enjoy them on YOUR time!
There are four different varieties: Classic Brasil (maduro), Classic Sumatra (natural), WILD Brasil (maduro), and WILD Sumatra (natural). The maduro cigars use a dark Brazilian wrapper over Brazilian fillers, giving the cigars dark flavors of chocolate, campfire, and spice. The natural cigars use a lighter Sumatra wrappers over Brazilian fillers, allowing for classic flavors of cabinet spice, earth, and charred nuts.
With sizes ranging from 3.25" to 4", these little smokes are a perfect accompaniment to your daily routine. No pressure, just enjoy a smooth smoking experience whenever and wherever!