The Undercrown Maduro is the cigar that started it all—a legend in the realm of Maduro-wrapped folklore...
The story of the Undercrown Maduro (once known simply as Undercrown) is a unique one within the cigar-o-sphere. It all started with Drew Estate's acclaimed Liga Privada brand, which proved so popular—even among Drew Estate's own tobacco rollers—that the company had to ask their factory workers to smoke dramatically less Ligas, as the inventory was in limited supply as it was.
Determined to find that sweet maduro goodness they had grown a taste for, the factory team took it upon themselves to craft a similarly gritty/earthy/sweet smoke using Drew Estate's more widely available Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper tobacco (as opposed to the Broadleaf found on the Liga Privada). Combining this dark wrapper with a Connecticut Stalk-Cut Habano binder and fillers of Nicaragua and Brazil, the factory team found their winning recipe!
As a nod to the Liga that inspired it, the cigar was dubbed Undercrown (as in, if the Liga Privada is the king, this cigar is still royalty, sitting just under the crown). The Undercrown Maduro proved tasty enough for Drew Estate's skilled Nicaraguan craftsman, and if you're as big of a fan of maduro smoking experiences as we are, it's going to treat you right too! Buckle up for a medium/full experience brimming with savory flavors of chocolate, earth, black peppered steak, strong black coffee, charred oak, and touches of black licorice.