Liga Privada Único Serie Nasty Fritas is an offshoot of the Papas Fritas cigar, launching to the public in 2018. But the cigar was available to to select smokers before, being handed out at Drew Estate's Cigar Safari tours in Estelí, Nicaragua. With the cigars becoming a hot item, Drew Estate eventually brought the blend public. Like the Papas Fritas, Nasty Fritas makes use of scrap tobaccos from other Liga Privada cigars, effectively making it the most premium short-fill cigar in existence! The cigar boasts an unusual shape that tapers continuously from the foot to the head, being topped with a fuse-like pigtail cap. Blend-wise, Nasty Fritas uses Connecticut Broadleaf oscuro over a Brazilian Mata Fina binder and Nicaraguan/Honduran fillers. The experience is medium to medium-plus in intensity, offering flavors along the lines of damp earth, oak, heavy cream, campfire, and bitter-sweet cocoa.