Drew Estate ACID Kuba Kuba Deluxe cigar offer among the most unique smoking experiences in the world of premium cigars. Available in 10-count boxes of the “Deluxe” tubo presentation - each cigar is individually packaged in a metallic tube, decorated with a blue background and the classic, silhouetted Acid rider - a man on a motorcycle, with a cigar in his mouth. All 10 of the cigars come in their own sealed tube and then are also packaged in a traditional wooden cigar box. The taste and flavor of this cigar is a classic of the Drew Estate's ACID line, but a bit more deluxe - because of its special packaging - the Deluxe 'tubo' presentation. The 6 x 50 Toro cigar features a Sumatra wrapper and includes tobaccos that are infused with Drew Estate's secret blend of herbs, botanicals, and essential oils. If you like Drew Estate's Cigars, you will love the ACID Kuba Kuba Deluxe!
If you think you won't enjoy a cigar with infused tobacco, this cigar will probably change your mind! If you like it, please leave us a review and let us know! Happy cigar smokers with nice, detailed cigar reviews make, make everything better - kind of like a good cigar!