Drew Estate ACID Kuba Grande cigars offer among the most unique smoking experiences in the world of premium cigars. Available in 10-count boxes, this infused cigar is the larger 6 x 60 version of their well-loved ACID cigars. The smoking experience is very unique because each blend is a different mix of components from tobacco curing, blending, and flavor. Hand-rolled in Nicaragua by Drew Estate, ACID cigars offer a whole new perspective of the cigar smoking experience that different tastes and flavors can bring. This is one of the most popular in the ACID line, but its large size means that you'll only get 10 cigars per box. The smell of these cigars will amaze you before you even light it up! It has a Connecticut wrapper and Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos. This strong and sweet cigar is just what some cigar lovers dream of!
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