Drew Estate Acid Deep Dish cigar provides an Acid smoking experience like no other. This medium-strength Gordo cigar is wrapped in a medium brown Sumatra wrapper and like the rest of the line, all of the tobacco is infused with botanicals, herbs, and oils.
Known for its big and hefty appearance, Acid Deep Dish is one of the go-to cigars of many cigars and specifically, ACID cigar enthusiasts. It offers a smooth draw with voluptuous smoke. A unique mix of sweet and earthy notes that is deeply appreciated by many cigar lovers. The Acid Deep Dish cigar is a box-pressed smoke with consistency and a delectable taste and aroma that will surely satisfy your cravings.
This premium cigar comes in a sturdy wooden box of 24 cigars, with the iconic Acid Rider silhouette on the inside and outside of the lid, and the classic ACID print on the side with a blue background that signifies the "Deep Dish" flavor. It may seem a bit large or oddly shaped, but this is one of the customer favorites and is great for a variety of occasions and moods. Order now and have a box of the Drew Estate Acid Deep Dish cigars delivered directly to you, without even leaving the house! And if you like it, please don't forget to let us know about your experience in a cigar review!