Since the very beginning, Diesel cigars have been known for full-bodied smoking profiles and Nicaraguan craftsmanship—with the two attributes often going hand in hand in the premium cigar arena. Diesel was among the first brands made by the now-ubiquitous A.J. Fernández, with the cigars originally being released in 2009 as a catalogue brand. The brand proved a hit with craft cigar smokers, helping to launch Fernández's career and eventually becoming a nationally distributed brand under the General Cigar umbrella.
Today, Diesel continues to be produced at A.J. Fernández's acclaimed factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. And with the Diesel Estelí Puro, the brand seeks to highlight the line's Estelí-based heritage over the years, with every portion of the cigar's blend being sourced from the Estelí region. From the filler, to binder, to wrapper, each ingredient of the recipe was harvested from Fernández's own farms throughout Estelí. As this region is known to be the most fiery and hearty region of Nicaragua, the Diesel Estelí Puro brings forth these qualities at full force. The cigar is classic and balanced yet full-bodied, showcasing standout characteristics of volcanic earth, red pepper, charred oak, bitter-sweet cocoa, and roasted nuts.