The Diamond Crown Maduro No. 8 cigar is among the only cigars in the Diamond Crown lineup to not feature a 54 ring gauge. Instead, enthusiasts are presented with a 5" x 58 belicoso. The elegantly tapered head of this cigar allows smokers greater control over the cigar's cut and draw, as well as a more concentrated smoke onto the palate. With a medium body, enthusiasts will be treated to an incredibly smooth texture and pleasant, soothing flavors of oak, cocoa, molasses bread, cinnamon, and salted caramel.
This natural Connecticut torpedo cigar is certainly memorable; it comes in a beautiful wood box of 15. If you like a good torpedo, or just want to try something different in the Diamond Crown line, this is the cigar for you. If you like it, please leave us a cigar review and let us know!