What happens when you take one of the world's most respected cigarmakers and task him with creating a flavorful smoking experience that won't break the bank? The answer: Cusano P1 Maduro. Indeed, the Cusano P1 Maduro cigar comes by way of Hendrik "Henke" Kelner, the man responsible for growing and rolling Davidoff and AVO cigars in the Dominican Republic.
With the Cusano P1 Maduro cigar, Kelner uses a Mexican maduro wrapper to give the blend its dark and savory character. This leaf surrounds a Connecticut Shade binder and Dominican fillers. To bring the concept home, the cigars are packaged in bundles and given simplistic bands, directing all efforts towards a flavorful smoking experience first and foremost.
What does the Cusano P1 Maduro cigar taste like?
Cigar smokers have stocked their humidors with Cusano cigars since their debut in the late-'90s, remaining a popular choice to this day, due to a high flavor/cost proposition. Medium in body, this tasty morsel showcases core flavors of earth, black pepper, charred oak, and sweet molasses.