Cusano MC bundle cigars offer an exceptional value to the flavor-craved cigar hobbyist. Since the late '90s, Cusano cigars have been handmade at the acclaimed TabaDom facilities (of Davidoff Cigars fame) in the Dominican Republic, made under the watchful eye of cigar master Hendrik Kelner.
Cusano MC cigars are designed to offer a Cuban-esque performance at a price for the daily cigar enthusiast. This is achieved with a Connecticut wrapper that is darker in hue than the conventional Connecticut leaf. This leaf is draped over all-Dominican binder/fillers, including both long and short filler.
What does the Cusano MC cigar taste like?
Medium in intensity and loaded with smooth flavor, Cusano MC cigars offer a dependable experience and easygoing flavors of barnyard hay, white pepper, cream, and aromatic florals.