Cusano cigars allow cigar enthusiasts a taste of Henke Kelner's (of Davidoff fame) world-famous tobacco and craftsmanship, being rolled at his TabaDom facilities in the Dominican Republic. This includes the Cusano M1 cigar, showcasing Kelner's acclaimed Dominican fillers, a unique double binder, and a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The cigars are stripped of the fancy presentations that often drive prices up, instead showing simplistic bands and bundle packaging, focusing on affordable prices and a quality smoking experience.
Q: What does the Cusano M1 cigar taste like?
A: The Cusano M1 cigar is unmistakably Dominican, offering a mild body and easily approachable flavors of aromatic florals, clean cedar, barnyard hay, and raw honey. There's a reason cigar enthusiasts have made Cusano M1 cigars their go-to daily choice for years—the mild-yet-flavorful performance speaks for itself.
Q: Are Cusano Cigars good?
A: The Cusano M1 Connecticut cigar is a terrific value priced cigar bundle, ranging from $1.45 to $2.40 per cigar. Expect larger sizes like the Cusano M1 Connecticut Churchill to be a nearly two hour smoking experience with a mild body and balanced flavors of cedar, honey, and more.
Q: Who makes Cusano cigars?
A: Found in 1995 as part of DomRey Cigar Inc. before Cusano Cigars was taken over by Davidoff in 2009. Today Cusano Cigars are hand crafted in the Dominican Republic by famed cigar make Hendrik Kelner.