Cusano Cigars has operated since 1995, when Michael Chiusano founded the company following a trip to the Dominican Republic. Michael was joined by his brother Joe, with the duo focusing on crafting affordable cigars that took on profiles similar to that of Cuban cigars.
Since 1997, the bulk of Cusano's cigars have been rolled at Hendrik "Henke" Kelner's (of Davidoff Cigars fame) TabaDom facilities in the Dominican Republic. With Kelner's close ties to Davidoff, it came as little surprise when Cusano Cigars was purchased by Oettinger Davidoff AG in 2009, joining the likes of other familiar brand acquisitions such as AVO Cigars and Camacho.
Cusano cigars continue to be rolled by Kelner to this day, making use of his prized Dominican tobacco at the core of each blend. The cigars come in traditional box packaging, as well as the more budget-friendly, bundle-wrapped variants of Cusano cigars. For those that enjoy Davidoff or AVO cigars (or Cuban and Dominican smoking profiles, for that matter), Cusano cigars make for an attractive alternative, offering medium-bodied, dependable smoking experiences without breaking the bank.