Cuesta Rey is a legacy brand founded in 1884 Ybor City and revived by J.C. Newman Cigar Co. for the modern cigar hobbyist. The contemporary incarnation moves from Florida to the Dominican Republic, where the legendary Fuente family has crafted the blend for decades.
With the Cuesta Rey Caravelle, the cigars are rolled in an elegant 6¼" x 33 panetela format, a classic size known for highlighting the influence of the cigar's wrapper, as well as providing a concentrated flavor to the palate. Cuesta Rey Caravelle cigars come in a variety of wrapper options, most prominently offered in a Connecticut Shade or Broadleaf maduro wrapper, both secured over a Dominican interior.
What does the Cuesta Rey Caravelle cigar taste like?
The Cuesta Rey Caravelle cigar is mellow in body, focusing on smooth flavor and dependable construction. With a thin ring gauge, the cigar brings a concentrated smoke and highlight flavors of cedar, buttered toast, and aromatic florals.