Like many of the world's most beloved cigars, Cuesta-Rey traces its roots back to the 19th century, with Angel LaMadrid Cuesta opening the factory where the cigars would be rolled in 1884. Cuesta's facility began churning out some of the most highly regarded cigars of the era, being the official cigar of Spanish King Alfonso XIII.
Today, the Cuesta-Rey mark falls under the J.C. Newman umbrella, being hand-crafted by the legendary Fuente family in the Dominican Republic. There are multiple variations/profiles of Cuesta-Rey in production, including the Cuesta-Rey Centenario cigar. In its original form—the Cuesta Rey Centenario Natural cigar—the blend leans toward mild nuance and refinement, offering a creamy Connecticut Shade wrapper over Cuban-seed fillers. The cigars are then aged in climate-controlled cedar storage rooms for up to five years, bringing out added complexity by the time flame hits tobacco.
What does the Cuesta Rey Centenario Natural cigar taste like?
Light and aromatic, the Cuesta Rey Centenario Natural cigar is a smooth smoking experience that won't burden the palate. The cigars operate in the mild to medium range, showcasing smooth characteristics of cedar, hay, buttered nuts, and cream.