As America's largest/oldest cigar manufacturer, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. has amassed one of the most impressive, time-tested portfolios of cigars in the world today. This includes the Cuesta-Rey brand, which dates back to 1880s Cuba, where Angel LaMadrid Cuesta and Peregrino Rey became known for producing premium cigars of a superior quality.
J.C. Newman has since acquired the Cuesta-Rey name, having the cigars manufactured by the famed Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic. Today, there are multiple offerings under the Cuesta-Rey banner, including the ultra-smooth Cuesta-Rey Centenario cigar. This blend begins with Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in the DR and aged for up to five years prior to being rolled. Finally, the cigars are wrapped in either Connecticut Shade (Natural) or Connecticut Broadleaf (Maduro) leaves, showcasing two unique variations on this classic cigar experience.
What does the Cuesta-Rey Centenario Cameo cigar taste like?
Sized at a petite 4¼" x 32, the Cuesta-Rey Centenario Cameo cigar is a cigarillo that comes packaged in convenient tins of 10 cigars. This allows for a premium cigar experience without the constraints of premium cigar <em>rituals</em>... In other words, take these bite-sized smokes on the road, enjoy 'em on lunch breaks, or any time a tasty smoke is just what the doctor ordered! The Cuesta-Rey Centenario Cameo cigar is mild to medium in body, offering flavors of barnyard hay, classic leather, campfire, and cream through the finish.