Introducing a multi-dimensional smoking experience with a three-dimensional concept. The cigar at hand is the Cubico from Sindicato Cigars, a lively smoking experience for those in constant search of all things new and exciting.
Staying true to its name, Sindicato Cubico is fittingly box-pressed, allowing for better marrying of the filler tobaccos and a cool smoking temperature (translating to cleaner, more discernible flavors). The cigars are hand-rolled in Nicaragua at the prominent NACSA factory, utilizing an Ecuadorian Cubano wrapper (there's that cube theme again), Nicaraguan binder, and fillers of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
Sindicato Cubico offers a medium body, leaping onto the palate with a fun combination of flavors. The profile begins with sweet cedar, later expanding to include notes of white pepper, smoked hickory, buttered toast, citrus, Cubanesque musk, and malt.