Cuban Rounds premium cigars are bunched and hand-rolled in the traditional Havana-style for smoothness, aged flavor, and exceptional value & quality. Cuban Rounds cigars are satisfying from the start with an even finish. They are available in the following formats: Churchill, Gordo, Petite Corona, Robusto,Toro, and Torpedo. Smoking these cigars transports you to the beautiful capital city of Cuba - Havana - with all its color, flavor, beauty and emotion...but maybe skip the humidity!
These traditional, premium cigars are covered in smooth & creamy Connecticut wrapper, feature carefully selected Nicaraguan short fillers that produce a mild-medium bodied spicy flavor profile, with notes of molasses & leather and softer hints of cocoa. We have them here, available at the best prices you can find online!
If you have tried other shapes of this Cuban Rounds line, you can already appreciate the amazing taste, but if you have not tried it in the other formats, you are missing out!
When you try it, leave us a review to let us know what you think! Do Cuban Rounds deserve the hype?