Outside of Cuba, the Cohiba name is best known as an ultra-premium brand, hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic. It was then quite the (welcomed) surprise when the brand announced Cohiba Nicaragua as their first venture into the volcanic soils of Nicaragua.
Cohiba Nicaragua carries over the brand's known care and attention to detail, offering up a select blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are appropriately fiery yet not without the smooth and complex undertones Cohiba is famous for. Cohiba Nicaragua boasts tobaccos from Nicaragua's Estelí and Jalapa growing regions throughout the binder and filler; these leaves are then finalized in a dark and oily Colorado oscuro wrapper. The result is a medium-bodied blend with palate-awakening characteristics of mineral-heavy soil, toasted oak, rich leather, and punchy baker's cocoa. This is definitely a special and memorable line of cigars - We hope you try one and leave us a review to let us know if you like it too! We have these unique cigars for sale at the best price on the internet!