The Cohiba Macassar cigar was crafted using the inspiration of Indonesian Macassar, thought to be the most difficult ebony in the world to procure. This wood is considered among the world's most beautiful and exotic, tying seamlessly into Cohiba's sense of opulence and luxury.
From the outset, Cohiba Macassar is a stunning specimen, using the Indonesian Macassar wood and its distinctive zebra-like stripes for the box's lid. With a presentation of this caliber, the cigars must perform at an equal level of refinement. This was accomplished through the inclusion of highly aged tobaccos throughout the blend. This includes a four-year aged Connecticut Habano wrapper, six-year aged Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and four-year aged fillers of the Dominican Republic (Mao) and Nicaraguan (Jalapa). Finally, each of these leaves are finished with an additional year in spent Dominican rum barrels.
What does the Cohiba Macassar cigar taste like?
Understandably, the Cohiba Macassar cigar has remained a top selection within Cohiba's portfolio since the cigar's introduction in 2016. Cigar enthusiasts praise this blend for its medium body and emphasis on depth of flavor, including standout characteristics of mountain pine, gingerbread, black licorice, damp earth, and zesty cinnamon.