Cohiba cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor, yet medium in strength, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the U.S. market. Cohbas are flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. They boast a Cameroon wrapper, a Jember binder, and a Dominican blend featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a dimensional, slightly spicy indulgence that you will love.
Cohiba Cigars offers a premium smoking experience in a wide variety of different shapes and sizes. Cohiba Churchill, Cohiba Corona, Cohiba Crystal Corona, Cohiba Toro Tubos, and Miniatures are among the favorites of cigar enthusiasts all over the world. Order yours today and experience luscious flavors and a smooth smoke you will never forget. Cohiba cigars are some of the best cigars that you can buy, so we hope you browse and find a few that you want to try!