Cohiba Blue can be thought of as luxury for the everyman. It's the entry point into the world-renowned sophistication Cohiba represents.
The cigar first debuted in 2017, staying true to its name by donning the most vibrant blue packaging and bands you'll ever lay eyes on in a humidor! The cigars are rolled in the Dominican Republic at the General Cigar Dominicana factory, boasting a diverse blend of tobaccos from three countries. This includes leaves of Jamastran (Honduras), Ometepe (Nicaragua), and the Dominican Republic; this filler is then bound in a proprietary Honduran leaf known as OSA (Olancho San Agustin) and finalized in a rosado-hued Honduran OSA wrapper.
This combination brings forth a mild to medium body, housing refined flavors of cedar, citrus, table cream, nutmeg, and a lip-smacking peanut butter. It's no coincidence, Cohiba Blue offers luxury to the blue collar smoker!