Shortly after launching C.L.E. Cigar Company in 2012 with a lineup of two cigars (CLE Corojo & CLE Cuarenta), the company debuted their 3rd offering with CLE Connecticut. As with most other cigars in the CLE portfolio, the Connecticut focuses on the Eiroa family’s famed Honduran tobaccos, which are grown on the Eiroa family’s Eiroa Tobacco Farm in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras.
Contrasting the robust tendencies throughout most of the CLE lineup, the CLE Connecticut showcases a softer side of the brand. While not quite as tame as the Connecticut smoking experiences of yesteryear, the CLE Connecticut finds the optimal balance of sweet and delicate flavors, balanced by enough body to let you know it’s there! Expect a mild to medium body, loaded with enjoyable flavors of honey, green tea, table cream, barnyard hay, crackers, and sweet vanilla on the finish.
This is the perfect accompaniment to a morning cup of coffee (or tea), and can easily be enjoyed well into the afternoon. Say hello to the daily smoke of the modern era!