In June 2020, Christian Luis Eiroa (owner and founder of C.L.E. Cigar Co.) celebrated his milestone 25th year working in the premium cigar industry. Not being one to buck convention, Eiroa crafted a special smoking experience for cigar enthusiasts to mark the occasion, dubbed CLE 25th Anniversary.
As should be expected from a celebratory cigar of this nature, the CLE 25th Anniversary cigar sets the benchmark as the finest, most luxurious smoking experience from CLE to date. This is brought on through the use of the Eiroa family's high-grade Authentic Corojo tobacco throughout the blend, grown on the Eiroa family farms of Honduras.
Q: What does the CLE 25th Anniversary cigar taste like?
A: Christian Eiroa has made excellent use of his family's prized Corojo tobacco with the CLE 25th Anniversary cigar. The blend caters to refined flavor over body or strength, amounting to a nuanced performance of pretzel dough, cinnamon, clean cedar, citrus, and candied nuts.
Q: Where can I buy CLE Cigars?
A: CLE Cigars can be purchased right here at Payless Cigars & Pipes – order today and we can ship them right to your front door!