Plasencia Cigars is the reimagination of cigar offerings from one of the world's most respected families of tobacco growers.
The family traces its roots in the world of cigars back to 1865 in Cuba's famed Vuelta Abajo growing region, where Don Eduardo Plasencia began farming tobacco. The Plasencias were then forced from their homes during the Cuban Revolution of the 1960s, as with many other famed tobacco families of this pivotal moment in cigar history.
After a temporary stint in Mexico, the family eventually established themselves among the volcanic soils of Nicaragua; staring from scratch 100 years after entering Cuba. Today, the Plasencias are considered the largest growers of premium tobacco in the world (let alone Nicaragua), using their famed Plasencia Cigars factory in Estelí to produce award-winning cigars for some of the industry's most popular brands (including Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, Quesada, Crux Cigars, Alec Bradley, Rocky Patel, and many more).
Despite the family's massive success behind the scenes, the Plasencias had never had luck connecting their name with consumers. But in 2016, the family tentatively launched their overhauled Alma Fuerte cigar, later leading to a full rebranding of their own distribution company in 2017. Plasencia Cigars quickly rounded out a complete portfolio, including multiple cigars in the "Alma series," the Reserva Original, Cosecha 146, and more to follow.
Plasencia Cigars is primarily geared for the connoisseur, being marketed in the ultra-premium range, taking advantage of the family's best tobacco selections. The name may be unfamiliar to some, but the Plasencias—now in their fifth generation of tobacco heritage—are now primed to invade the cigar enthusiasts humidor... brace yourself.